Thursday, January 12, 2012

"I been talkin' to Jesus."

One of the first thingsI noticed while down in NOLA, was that  a LOT of homeless people had dogs.  My initial thought was "now how in the world will they care for these dogs?"  It didn't take long at all before I realized that most of these folks treated their dogs better than most people treat their own children.  On the streets,a dog not only serves as a great source of protection, but also as a best friend!  During one of our trips down to NOLA, we took a lilttle chihuahua with us named Rosebud, hoping to find a perfect fit for her.  I knew a chihuahua wouldn't be a great form of protection, but it could defintely make someone a great friend!  After a few minutes of passing out water, someone asked me about the dog, and said that he would "ABSOLUTELY LOVE" to have her.  After talking witht the fella for a few minutes, I felt very comfortable leaving "Rosebud"... who he immediately changed to "Princess"...with him... You can't really tell it by these few pictures, but to say that Princess was instantly loved is an understatement.  Literally, tears of joy filled this mans eyes... Brought to tears by the friendship of a chihuahua... unbelievable!!!

One other dog encounter happened with our brother Mark, right here in Hattiesburg!  Mark is known around Hope House for his crazy quotes and stories, rather it be about getting stuck on a train for 3 days and ending up on the other side of Georgia, or talking about his best friend Benji!  Benji is a little dog that wandered up to him one day, and they've been best friends ever since!  Whenever we pick Mark up to take him to HH, he always has to tell Benji bye and that he'll be back for him later... and I honselty think Benji says the same thing back to him sometimes!!  Well one morning we picked up Mark, and he was just grinning from ear to ear!!  He walked up, and with the biggest smile, said "Hey guys!!  Today has been great!!!  I've been talkin' to God, I've been talkin to Jesus... and I've been talkin' to Benji!!!"  He didn't say anything else, and he really didn't have to!!  His sincere happiness was amazing, and I wish I was so easily satisfied smoetimes!!  God bless, GOd love!!
Mark (left) Benji (center) Jack (right)

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